Microsuction is the safest and easiest way to remove excess or stubborn earwax. Microsuction ear wax removal uses a vacuum to gently remove any excess wax from your ears. Satin Healthcare do not carry out ear syringing due to the increased risk of complications and side effects.

Home visits are available for an additional £20.

What to expect at your wax removal appointment

  • Your wax removal appointment will take around 15-30 minutes.

  • We will register you on our system and discuss your medical history and medication. The attending clinician will then examine your ears
  • We’ll talk you through the procedure and show you the equipment that will be used and explain how it works. A consent form will need to be signed before we can go ahead with the procedure – we will discuss the possible complications at this stage.

  • Once you are happy to go ahead, our clinician will use special magnifying glasses called loupes with a small speculum and suction tube to gently remove any wax that’s in your ear.
  • After our clinician has performed the procedure, they will then check the health of your ears and record this information.
  • Sometimes it can take more than one attempt to clear impacted wax. We only charge one fee no matter how many attempts it takes! (Please note, this will need to be carried out within one month of your first appointment).

Before you come in…

Removing wax from your ears is more successful if it has been softened prior to your appointment. Olive oil spray is an effective way to soften the wax and prevent it sticking to the hairs in your ear canals. We recommend using this for 6-7 days (3-4 times per day) prior to your appointment.

If you are a hearing aid user, please do not use them whilst using the oil as this could potentially damage them and may not be covered under warranty.

Book your appointment today!