Medical Treatments

Minor Injuries and Minor Illness
Our clinicians have an abundance of knowledge and experience in administering medical treatments. You can relax knowing they are fully qualified to assess and treat minor illnesses and injuries. They will provide you with a comprehensive assessment, treating you accordingly in line with evidence-based practice and prescribing where necessary. We will inform your General Practitioner (with your permission) of your diagnosis and treatment with us. Follow-up appointments can also be arranged.
Initial consultation £55 – Please note additional costs may be incurred for some treatments (e.g. suturing)
Prescription charge £12.50
Home visits are available for an additional £20.

Minor Surgery & Steroid Joint Injections
With greater restraints within the NHS for the treatment of benign but unsightly skin lesions it is important that you feel confident that you are receiving the very best treatment from our clinic. Our team of experienced Advanced Nurse Practitioners have experience and training in performing such procedures and will ensure that the most appropriate treatment is offered.

Blood Tests
We are able to provide private pathology services for the majority of blood tests, whether it’s a well person check-up, hormone profile or complete allergy profile for food and inhalation testing. A full report of results will be provided for you to take to your GP should further treatment be needed.
What our clients say
“Satin Healthcare offer a professional, friendly and affordable service. My 12 year old had his ears microsuctioned and can now finally hear properly.
The practitioner explained that he had left a long career as an A&E nurse in the NHS to set up this minor ops service. Knowing my son was being treated by a properly trained medical practitioner was very reassuring and I felt very confident in the level of care he was given.”